Professionally Managed by
Tritz Professional Management Services
1525 E 17th Street, Suite A
Santa Ana, CA 92705

   Board & Committees
Board of Directors

Paul Jones

Ronald Rubino

Jenna Edwards​

Sydni Webb
Vice President

Architectural Review Committee 
The Board of Directors serves as the Architectural 
Review Committee 

Architectural Guidelines and Procedures Committee 
Al Maguire, Director
Jeff Smith, Architectural Advisor
Morgan Bomboy, Property Manager

Budget Committee
Jenna Edwards, Treasurer
Al Maguire
Morgan Bomboy, TPMS

Trees & Landscape View Dispute Review 
​Al Maguire & Paul Jones

Landscape Committee  
Morgan Bomboy, Chair 
Allica Bensen, Secretary
Maura Quist 
Dan Seminario 
Cindy Omiya 
Sydni Webb , Board Liaison 

Neighborhood Connections Committee
Gracie Hobbs, Co-chair
Desiree Gamble, Co-chair
Jenna Edwards, Board Liaison

Park Committee 
Nancy Kerr, Co-chair
Susan Seger, Co-chair
Carolyn Cooper
Pam Genereux
Lauren Jue
Louise Upham
Tom Roche, Board Liaison

Neighborhood Watch Committee 
Bill Calhoun
Cheryl Collins
Ritu Parashar
Shelly Petrilli
Gina Hueston
Travis Boyd
Pat Puich
Ron Rubino, Board Liaison

Safety & Security Committee
Paul Jones
JJ Abraham
RJ King

* Click Committee Name for Mission & Responsibilities

Special Assignments

Special Assignments:
    Ron Rubino, Board Liaison
        Government Relations 
        Corona del Mar School (CdM)
        City of Newport Beach
        City Aviation Committee

Budget, Agenda and Records Management
    Morgan Bomboy, Tritz (Sr. Property Manager) 
    Jenna Edwards, BOD Treasurer
    Al Maguire
Meeting Agendas, Minutes and Documentation 
    Morgan Bomboy, Tritz (Sr. Property Manager) 
    Al Maguire - Secretary 

HOA Website Public Pages Manager 
  Sharon Esterley

Website "Member Portal" Manager
    Morgan Bomboy, Tritz (Sr. Property Manager) 

The President of the Board of Directors is an ex-officio member of all standing committees.


​The Board of Directors per the CC&R's and community needs have formed various standing and Ad Hoc committees to assist them with community issues. Committee members are nominated by Board members and approved by the Board. If you are interested in serving on a committee contact South Coast Property Management or any Board member. 

​Communicate To The Board

Contact Us
​Do you have a comment or suggestion for the Board? Perhaps you want to volunteer for a committee! Then again, maybe it's a community issue you have a question about. 

Whatever the reason, here's your opportunity to communicate to your Board of Directors. 

Please click below and in your message indicate which board member or members you'd like the message to go to. TPMS will receive your message and pass it on the the designated board member. 

Al Maguire